PKeys Management

Nicole Silva -

PKeys configuration allows you to store simple or complex commands (with or without variables) so you don't have to type everything when using the terminal. You can store frequent commands, the complex ones, and those you rarely use and keep forgetting the format.


To access PKeys configuration just go to the Main Menu and click PKeys.

You will then access the configuration area which will allow you to:

  • Create a new PKey
  • Edit the PKeys list
  • See a list of all the PKeys configured; to edit a PKey just click the PKey you want to enter.

TTS WebAgent - Mobile

To start using Pkeys on TTS WebAgent Mobile, go to settings.


Once in the settings tab, scroll down to “Edit PKeys”.


Once in the “PKeys” menu you can:
Create a new PKey, by clicking on “+”.


  • Fill in the PKey name.
  • Write the command you wish to store.
  • If you want to add variables, just write the command and when you want to add a variable, write its name in the variable name field and click “star variable”, the variable will then be added to the command field. (If you want to delete a variable just click “x” in the variable).
  • Activate “Auto execute” if you wish the command to be executed immediately by click; if you don’t activate it, when you execute a PKey, the associated command will be written in the command line of the terminal and to execute it you will have to click enter.
  • To store the PKey click on “Save”.
  • To go back to the PKeys list click "Cancel".


To edit a PKey just click on the PKey, make the change you want, and click "Save".



To start using your PKeys, simply go to your cryptic terminal.


Click on the three dots at the right bottom corner.


Click on the PKey you want to use.



TTS WebAgent - Desktop

In TTS WebAgent on the desktop, you will need to go to your cryptic terminal.


Once in your cryptic terminal click on the three lines in the right bottom corner of the terminal.



And here you will see your PKeys.


To create a new PKey, click on “+” and:

  • Fill in the PKey name
  • Write the command you wish to store
  • If you want to add variables, just write the command and when you want to add a variable, write its name in the variable name field and click “add”, the variable will then be added to the command field. (If you want to delete a variable just click “x” in the variable)
  • Activate “Auto execute” if you wish the command to be executed immediately by click; if you don’t activate it, when you execute a PKey, the associated command will be written in the command line of the terminal and to execute it you will have to click enter.
  • To store the PKey click on “Save”.
  • To go back to the PKeys list click "Cancel".
  • To edit a PKey just enter the PKey, make the change you want, and click "Save".


Edit the PKeys list
To edit the PKeys list click on "Edit" on mobile, or the edit icon on the desktop. You will then be able to delete PKeys. To go back to the normal mode, on “back” on mobile or “cancel” on desktop.



Pkeys are stored in the cloud, so the information is synchronized between TTS WebAgent Mobile and TTS WebAgent, meaning that if you create/change/delete a Pkey in your smartphone when using TTS WebAgent Mobile you will see it also in your tablet or your laptop, no need to add it again.

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