To access the Terminal you need to login.
The terminal screen offers you several features:
1. Move up and move down
Allows you to navigate between result pages without having to type.
2. Command line
Area where you type your commands.
3. Open/Closes Custom Quick Keys
Quick keys allow you to have your most used keyboard keys always at hand (to learn how to configure Quick Keys check the Settings article).
4. Open/Closes the Terminal menu
The Terminal menu offers you access to other features that allow you to work easily and faster. You can either touch the icon circled or slide left from the right side of your device. To hide it, you just need to tap the icon referred above, slide the menu to the right or touch outside the menu.
5. Linked commands
Linked commands are in-terminal links that allow you to execute commands just by tapping them, no need no type them. The underlined content are always linked commands.