Can I make a booking and store several fares at the same time?

Sales TTS -

When using availability search, you can make several fare quotes and make the booking with the fare quotes you want to store with just one click. Check below how you can do this.

Make an availability search

Go to flight search, either in homepage or in Flights page, fill in your search parameters and select the "Availability search" parameter and click on the button "Search":


Flight results will appear showing all the available classes for each available flight:


Selecting flights and classes to book

You can then select the flight and class you want to book by clicking in the corresponding class of the chosen flights and afterwards click on the "plus" button placed inline with the flight and class you selected.


After clicking on the "plus" icons referred above, the flights and classes selected appear in the Selected Flights section you see below:


You can add more flight classes to the selection. You can also remove items from the selection which is accomplished by clicking in the "cross" icon placed inline with the flight class you want to remove.

To continue with selected flights you made just click on the button "Continue" you see in the image above.


Quoting Segments

After clicking on the "Continue", you will be able to select which fare quotes you wish to make.

Select the items you would like to include in a fare quote and click on "Quote Segments".


When clicking on Quote Segments, you can then decide to make a Quote for the classes selected or do a Best Buy:


Using the selected flights in the image above, we made a fare quote using "Quote best buy" for each outgoing flight combined with the incoming flight and we now have two fare quotes ready to be added to the booking with just one click in the button "Reservation".



The segments and Filed Fares resulting from the previous Fare Quotes are added to the PNR. Then you just need to add the passenger details and close the booking by clicking in the button "Continue" in the end of the page.


Adding a new Filed Fare to an existing booking

To add a new filed fare to an existing booking, open the PNR to which you would like to add a new Filed Fare and do a flight search (best price search or availability search) for the journey you would like to add and proceed until you modify your booking successfully.




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