How to Import a PNR in TTS WebAgent

Sales TTS -

Importing a Passenger Name Record (PNR) in TTS WebAgent is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to ensure a smooth import and manage your bookings efficiently.

Steps to Import a PNR

Navigate to "My Bookings"

On the TTS WebAgent dashboard, click on the “My Bookings” option located in the main menu.

Enter the PNR Code

In the designated PNR Code section, type the number of the PNR you wish to import.

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Retrieve the PNR

Click on the "Retrieve" button. This will import the PNR into TTS WebAgent, displaying all associated booking details.

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Manage the Booking

Cancel Booking: If you need to cancel the booking, click on the "Cancel Booking" button.

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Booking Canceled Outside TTS WebAgent: If the booking was canceled outside of TTS WebAgent, you will see a message indicating the cancellation status.

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