Terminal | Rich Content & Branding

Sales TTS -

How to access Rich Content & Branding?

Rich Content & Branding is accessible via Fare Shopping (FS) with enhanced results and is available only for prices where the carriers involved have published branded content.

To not delay the FS command answer, the links are loaded asynchronously in the prices with Rich Content & Branding so they might take more time to be displayed than the FS results.

All prices with Rich Content & Branding available are shown as links like you see below.

To access Rich Content & Branding of a certain price option just click on the price link and the Rich Content & Branding area will appear.

You will then be able to:

1. see the Total Price;

2. see and change to other fares available knowing how much the fare will increase;

3. check the fare details of other segments;

4. access the fare summary and the benefits/ancillaries available

When you select a different fare, the difference between the originally selected fare and the one now selected is added to the price block and the total.


To continue to the Fare Quote, just click on the total price or the right arrow next to the total price.


The Fare Quote screen will show the fare breakdown per PTC. You can expand Price Details and Baggage Information to access fare components and baggage allowance respectively.



Important Note: the price might suffer changes when arriving on this screen because the system makes a new Fare Quote for the selection made in the previous screen to offer the most accurate price possible (e.g.: one thing that might happen is that the new fare selection might incur in additional taxes which is only detected when the fare quote is made). Whenever the price (subtotal or taxes) suffers changes the info "Price was updated!" will appear.

Saving the Fare Quote

To save this Fare Quote, just click on the total price or the right arrow next to the total price.

If you already have names, the segments and the File Fare of the pricing option selected will be saved, if there are no names, only the segments of the pricing option selection will be booked.



If you do not wish to proceed and use the pricing option being shown in the Rich Content & Branding screen and wish to return to the Fare Shopping results, just click on the left arrow on the top left until you are back to the FS results.



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