My Account | Airline Commissioning

Nicole Silva -

Some consolidation or host agencies have negotiated commissions with airlines so that when tickets are issued, the respective negotiated commission is applied overriding the GDS defaults. Consolidation or host agencies can add their negotiated airline commissions in Management > Airline Commissioning.

Please note you must know what you're doing and add the correct information here, as the airline commissioning will override the default commission. Don't forget to add the end date as well (if any).


Create a Commission

To add a new airline commission click in the button "New Commission" highlighted below.

The commission input form will slide from the right.

A Commission can be characterized as follows:

1. Carrier: specifies the Plating Carrier
2. Airport or Country: the user can choose how he wishes to specify the commission, if by Airport or Country
3. Begin Date: sets when TTS Consolidator will start to apply that commission which by default is pre-filled with the current date
4. End Date: sets when TTS Consolidator will end the application of that commission, this field can be left empty which means there is no end date associated
5. %: commission that will be applied

Fill in the form and click "Save" (if you do not wish to store it just click "Cancel") and the commission will be added to the list.


Applying a Commission 

When a ticket is being issued, TTS Consolidator will check the airline commissions inserted in the application to verify if there is one applicable and if so that commission will override what is loaded in the GDS.

Editing a Commission

To edit/change a commission, click on the pencil icon placed inline with the commission you want to edit.

The input form will slide from the right once again for you to change whatever you need. In the example we have been following, we have changed the end date, please check below.

Deleting a Commission

To delete an airline commission, click on the cross icon placed inline with the commission you want to delete.











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