Delegate Approvals in TTS Corporate

Nicole Silva -

Managing travel approvals can be a hassle, especially when approvers are out of the office. With the new Delegate Approvals feature in TTS Corporate, you can easily choose someone to handle approvals in your absence.

How It Works:

Quick Selection: Approvers can quickly pick someone to take over their approval tasks.

Redirected Requests: All new travel requests needing approval will be redirected to the chosen person instead.

Uninterrupted Approvals: This ensures timely approvals and eliminates the need to disturb approvers during their deserved time off.

Setting Up Delegate Approvals

As an Agency Admin:

  1. Navigate to My Account: Log into your TTS Corporate account and go to "My Account."

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  1. Go to Users: Select the "Users" tab.

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  1. Choose the User: Find and choose the user who needs a delegate and click on "Edit" next to the user's name.

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  1. Select Absent Approver: Choose the "Absent Approver" option.

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  1. Assign a Delegate: Write and select the user you want to replace as the absent approver.

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  1. Save Changes: Click "Save" to confirm the changes.

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As an Approver:

Navigate to My Account: Log into your TTS Corporate account and go to "My Account."

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Go to My Profile: Select the "My Profile" tab.

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Select Absent Approver: Choose the "Absent Approver" option.

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Assign a Delegate: Write and select the user you want to replace as the approver.

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Save Changes: Click "Save" to confirm the changes.

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Notification and Workflow

The chosen substitute approver will receive an email notification immediately, informing them of their new responsibilities.

The substitute will be shown on the approval workflow of the reservation.

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Important Note

Before setting a substitute, make sure you know how to set up travel policies to ensure smooth operations.

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