How do I activate Refund Tracker?

Sales TTS -

Activating the Refund Tracker in TTS WebAgent is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to get started:

1. Log In to TTS WebAgent:

Begin by logging into your TTS WebAgent account.

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2. Access Refund Tracker:

Navigate to the left menu and click on “Refund Tracker”.

Screenshot 2024-08-27 at 15.45.36.png

3. Accept Terms and Conditions:

The first time you access the Refund Tracker menu, the Terms and Conditions will be displayed. Read them carefully and accept them to proceed.


4. Initiate Monitoring:

After accepting the terms, you can log off from TTS WebAgent to start monitoring. Make sure to complete any pending tasks before logging off. Alternatively, you can just click on "Process now". 

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5. Revisit Refund Tracker:

Log back into TTS WebAgent and return to the Refund Tracker menu. Your tickets should now be visible and tracked in the solution.



By following these steps, you will ensure that the Refund Tracker is properly activated and continues to monitor your issued tickets.


Next Steps

After activating Refund Tracker, you might want to familiarize yourself with managing unscheduled tickets and setting up notifications. For more detailed guidance on these aspects, please refer to our subsequent articles:

Quick Start Guide - Refund Tracker

Does Refund Tracker automatically process refunds for unused segments?

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