How to Send Quotes in Travelport Mobile Agent

Nicole Silva -

Travelport Mobile Agent has the capability of sending quotes in just a few clicks, allowing you to have personalized interactions with your clients while hiding prices, and adding markups directly from Travelport Mobile Agent.

You don’t need to activate anything to send quotes in Travelport Mobile Agent.

When you do a fare shopping, you will see an “email” icon on the right side next to the

Click here to send this flight option to the new quote’s menu. Once you do this you will see an “email” icon on the screen's left side.

Click on this icon to open the “send quote” menu.

Here you can choose a previous email template you created. Click here to learn how you can create email templates.

Write the emails you want the quote to be sent to and write the subject of the email.

You can personalize your emails by writing some additional notes for your clients and leaving them an optional comment. If you click on the icon at the left side of the “Price Points” section, to have a detailed view of the flight options you choose.

Before sending your email, you can preview it in the next window.

How to add multiple trip options

To add multiple trip options, you only need to select the “email” icon at the bottom of the “select option” of the flights you want to add.

Once you do this, the flights you choose will be available on the quote’s menu 

How to hide prices 

You only need to toggle the “Show prices” button to hide the prices. 

How to add markups to prices

If you wish to show prices in the quote you will send to your client(s), you can add hidden markup fees.


You can add this markup to prices in both a fixed amount and percentage, you choose what suits you best!

PS: You can use both fixed amount and percentage markups at the same time

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