Getting Started with Refund Tracker

Nicole Silva -

Here’s how you can start monitoring and managing your tickets efficiently:

Access Refund Tracker: From Travelport Mobile Agent main menu, select the ‘Refund Tracker’ option. This will take you directly to the Refund Tracker dashboard. After you've agreed to the terms and conditions Refund Tracker will start searching for potential refunds. If you prefer you can click "Process Now." This will initiate a scan of your account for potential refunds. Please note that the first scan might take a few hours.

After the scan is complete: Refund Tracker just finished processing your tickets, this means that it analyzed all your tickets from the last 13 months and identified the potential refunds. These are tickets whose last travel date has passed and which have not been used, for example, the flight was canceled or the passenger missed the trip. 

Scheduling tickets: The potential refunds will go to the "unscheduled tickets" tab. You can schedule those tickets for later, this means you will get a notification reminding you to refund that ticket. Why not refund them right away? Well, your clients might want a refund or to change their tickets after you've done your refunds and this makes it harder. 

Refund tickets: Refund Tracker doesn't refund tickets, it simply scans potential refunds and reminds you to refund. To actually refund a ticket, check your "Immediate Action" tab to identify the tickets you want to refund and use the Travelport Mobile Agent terminal, like you normally would.  

Understanding the Dashboard: The dashboard is divided into several sections:

  • Status: A page where you can see all the stats of the Refund Tracker.  
    • Pending process: this means that Refund Tracker still needs to scan X amount of days in bookings.
    • Last Proccessed Date: this is the last day that Refund Tracker searched for tickets.
    • Watched Tickets: These are tickets that have open segments but the date of the last segment has not yet passed. These are the ones that will be checked again when the last segment date passes.
  • Unscheduled Tickets: Displays tickets with unused segments that might be eligible for refunds.
  • Scheduled for Review: Lists tickets that you’ve scheduled for future action.
  • Immediate Action: Contains tickets whose reminder date is today or in the past.


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