Manage and check users on TTS Corporate

Nicole Silva -

Only the Travel Agency admin can create other Agency Users. The Travel Agency admin/Company Admin and Company Arranger can all create users for a company.

  1. Select My Account > Users.


All existing users will be displayed. You can see the following attributes in the list for each user:

  • The letter in the beginning:
    • “C” refers to a company user;
    • “A” refers to an agency user.
  • Name and Email are self-explanatory :);
  • Company: refers to the entity to whom the user belongs to (it can have the agency name or a company name);
  • Roles: lists the roles of each user;
  • Status: shows the status of the user.

As for actions available to manage your users, note that:

  • The + sign allows you to add a new user;
  • The magnifying glass allows you to search for a user;
  • The ‘Select All’ tick box allows you to select all users at once;
  • Actions dropdown list allows you to make users Active/Inactive or to delete a user:
    • o   You need to select the user by adding a tick in the box and then select the action.
  • The pencil icon next to the user name allows you to edit an existing user;
  • Clicking on the column headings will reorder the results;
  • Click on "Export" to have a .xls document with the user list.


Click here to learn how to search for a user.

Click here to know how to add a new user.


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