Users and their different roles on TTS Corporate

Nicole Silva -

To create a new user go to "My Account" > Users.

Select from the dropdown menu, for which entity you wish to create a new user and then define the role(s) this user will have.

TTS Corporate supports four company roles:

  • Traveller;
  • Arranger;
  • Approver;
  • Admin.

A user can accumulate more than one role and will have access to the permissions his assigned roles allow.



A user with the "Traveller" can make his/her own bookings. This kind of user can be a user with a login or a "user without a login" on TTS Corporate. 

A traveller with login credentials (which is optional for traveller users) can:

  • search and book for himself (Search and Book area);
  • access and manage the trips where he is a traveller (My Trips area);
  • manage the personal profile, except changing the company (Entity) to whom the user is linked, its roles, and email address (My Account > My Profile).

A user with the "Traveller" role and without login credentials has no access to the platform. This user is created either by an agency / company Admin and the assigned arrangers to that traveller, can book trips for this user.


Company Admin

A user with the "Admin" role is a user who can manage the company and its users. A Company Admin  can:

  • access and manage the trips created by any user of his company (My Trips area);
  • manage personal profile except changing the company (Entity) it is linked to as well as the email address (My Account > My Profile);
  • create users with any of the available roles (My Account > Users)
  • edit any company user except changing the company (Entity) the user is linked to (My Account > Users);
  • delete users (My Account > Users),
  • manage his company profile.



A user with the "Arranger" role is a user that can book trips for travellers. An arranger is able to make bookings for the travellers for whom he is assigned as the arranger.

An Arranger can:

  • search and book for the travellers for whom he is an arranger (Search and Book area);
  • access and manage the trips he created (My Trips area);
  • manage his profile except changing the company (Entity) he is linked to, his roles, and his email address (My Account > My Profile);
  • create users with the roles "Traveller" and/or "Arranger" (My Account > Users)
  • edit any company user except changing the company (Entity) the user is linked to and removing/adding "Admin" or "Approver" roles (My Account > Users);
  • delete users except for users with the "Admin" or "Approver" role (My Account > Users),
  • if the feature "Travel Policies" is subscribed (Customization area), a user with the "Arranger" role is able to manage Travel Policies and User Groups where he is a manager and he is also able to manage Reason Codes (Settings > Travel Policies).



A user with the "Approver" role is a user that approves trips/bookings. This role only comes into play if the feature “Travel Policies” is subscribed for the respective company and the company has travel policies created that require people to approve any bookings.

An Approver can:

  • access and approve/not approve the trips where he is an approver (My Trips > My Approvals);
  • manage his profile except changing the company (Entity) he is linked to, his roles, and his email address (My Account > My Profile).




Learn more about Agency Admin responsibilities here.
Learn more about how to create a company traveller here.
Learn more about how to create a company arranger here.
Learn more about how to create a company approver here.
Learn more about how to create a company admin here.

Learn how you can edit and manage users here.

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