An approver is a role that a company needs when using Travel Policies, as approvers will be the ones that can approve trips. Note that Travel Policies must be activated (on the Customization section) in order for this role to take action.
To create an approver (or any other user role), go to "My Account" > Users.
To create an "Approver" click on the "+" button, on the right above the user list.
After clicking on the "+" button you will land on the creating a user page.
Agency and Company Admin users are the ones that can create a Company Admin users.
After clicking on the "+" button you will land on the creating a user page.
Agency and Company Admin users are the ones that can create a Company Admin users.
Let's run through these fields:
- Entity
- Select from the dropdown list, the company you're creating a user for.
- Roles
- Select the "Approver" role. Note that a company user can accumulate several roles (e.g. one can be a Traveller and an Approver) and will then have the respective roles liabilities assigned to him/her.
Main information
Main information is a block common to all users regardless of the roles selected. It's where you enter the user's Name, Surname, Date of Birth, PTC, Email, Password, Status.
Most fields here are self-explanatory. Let's check those that require extra attention:
- Status
- If a user status is "Active", he will be able to enter the application and use it according to his/her roles permissions. On the other hand, if the user status is "Inactive", he/she will not be able to enter the application.
- Date of birth
- If Traveller role is also selected, date of birth is mandatory so that the system can calculate the prices correctly.
- Status
Contact information
This block is also common to all users as an optional filling information. Here you can enter the user's Phone, Address, City, Postal Code and Country.
Learn more about company user roles here.