How to create Travel Policies

Nicole Silva -

As a company using TTS Corporate, you should create travel policies to ensure travel compliance. Only the Travel Agency or a company’s Admin user provided can create Travel Policies.


If you are a travel agent you need to activate the Travel Policies add-on by going to “Settings” on the main menu, then going to “Features & Services” and clicking “Add more” (or simply go to "Customization" tab from the primary menu):



  • Find the “Travel Policies” card, click “Manage” and activate the add-on for the companies you’d like to be ruled by Travel Policies;
  • After activating the add-on, you can access the Travel Policies menu by going to “Settings” > “Features & Services” >“Travel Policies”.

If you are a company user, you need to ask your travel agent to activate the Travel Policies add-on. After that, you can access travel policies by going to “Settings” on the main menu and clicking “Travel Policies”.  




Screenshot_2021-05-04_at_14.53.51.pngYou will be able to see here any existent Travel Policies.

To create a Travel Policy, click on the plus button.



  • Select which agency and which company the travel policy concerns;
  • Travel Policy Name:
    • The internal name of the policy.
    • Status:
      • Select if the policy is active or inactive.
  • To define the Travel Policy Managers, add them one at a time from the list of managers available. These will be the assigned managers to this travel policy which means they will be able to manage / edit / inactivate it.

Select which products the rules for the travel policy apply to, you can choose between Flights, Hotel, or Rent-a-car.


The next step is to create the rules for the travel policy.




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