Searching a User on TTS Corporate

Nicole Silva -

To access the users list, go to "My Account" in the main menu and click on "Users". You will navigate to the list of users.


To search users, click on the magnifier icon, on the right above the user list.



After clicking on the search icon, a search area will be prompted to insert your search criteria:


Search fields

  • Name:
    • Searches users which user name contains the string searched. It is not case sensitive.
  • Email:
    • Searches users which email contains the string searched. It is not case sensitive.
  • Department:
    • When you start writing what you want to search, it builds a dropdown with the options that match your input for you to select.
  • Company:
    • Searches users which company contains the string searched. It is not case sensitive.
  • Status:
    • Allows you to filter “Active” or “Inactive” users.


When making a search, the search summary is visible in the top.



If you want to clear the search, just click on the “Clear” button.


Actions in bulk

if you select several users you ara able to apply the same action to all of them.

You can apply the following actions to users:

  • Put users “Active”;
  • Put users “Inactive”;
  • “Delete” users.


To select users to apply actions in bulk, select the checkboxes aligned with the users you want to affect and the action you want to apply on the “Actions” dropdown.



If you want to apply the actions to all the users in that page, you can “Select all”.



For details on how to create a new user, click here.


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