How to add SSR DOCS and SSR FOID for TAAG (or other airlines)

Sales TTS -

To be compliant with the procedures set forth by TAAG (DT) about SSR DOCS and SSR FOID, follow the instructions below.

When creating or editing the PNR,

Step 1

Add the document information to the booking. To do that, scroll down to the "Reservation Passengers" section and fill in the data.


Step 2

Then to add document information, click on the "Passenger details" expanding arrow:


And you will see the passenger details area where you can add more information about the passenger. To add a document, enable the document fields by clicking here:


The document fields will be enabled and you can fill in the document datails and the birth date.

These details will be used to create the respective SSR DOCS.
The SSR DOCS will be added to the booking PNR when you save the booking or save the booking changes.


Step 3

Important: The SSR FOID has to be added when you intend to do the ticketing immediately after saving the booking or booking changes, otherwise, if you edit the booking again, you will need to add the SSR FOID again!

To add an SSR FOID to this passenger, use the "Special Service Request" section:TTS_Consolidator_-_Passengers_details_-_foid__5_.png

To add the SSR FOID,

1. Don't choose any segment

2. Choose the category from the list (ordered alphabetically). In this case, select "FOID-FORM OF ID".

3. Add the respective value and then click on the plus icon:



Save the booking by clicking in "Book".


Issue the ticket(s):


See below the SSR DOCS and SSR FOID:



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