Import Users

Sales TTS -

To make it easier for agencies who need to edit /create several users at once, TTS Corporate has an option to import a .xlsx file to do this batch work.


From January 31st the user identifier stopped being the Unique User ID and is now the user email. This represents some changes to the logic of the import file. Please continue reading to be aware of the changes. You can read more about all TTS Corporate versions and updates here:

First of all, you need to activate this free feature. To do it go to "Settings" > "Features & Services" > "Add more". After that, click the "Manage" button under "Import Users". After agreeing to the Terms and Conditions, click "Subscribe".




Now go to "Settings" > "Features & Services" > "Import Users". You can download the template file as a guide. If you already have existing users, we recommend you export users and edit that file to make it easier for you.

Follow the rules of the file. Don't forget that the email field is always mandatory as this is the identifier value to the import. 


If you want to create a traveller without login you need to do it in the app. After creating the user, you can edit it through the file based on the fake email automatically created by the app. If you need to change a user's email you have to do it in the app. 


To import the final file, go to "Settings" > "Features & Services" > "Import Users". Click on "choose file" and choose the file from your computer that you'd like to upload. After that, click on "Import".  This process can take a few minutes, depending on the size of the file. You will be notified by e-mail with the import result.




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