Setting your preferences to Travelfusion Flights

Nicole Silva -

If your Travelfusion Flights Settings are arranged, you can configure if you want to add preferred or blacklisted Travelfusion Airlines to your companies. If you haven’t set up your Travelfusion Flights setting, click here to know how.

Go to "Settings" > Content > Travelfusion Flights Settings. Choose the "Preferences" tab.


  • Company
    • Select “All” for all companies or choose one.
  • Type
    • Select if you're configuring a preferred or blacklisted arrangement.
      • Preferred: list a preferred carrier if you wish a certain Travelfusion carrier to appear first on the flight search result screen. Amongst the Travel Fusion carrier’s availability, these will appear first, even when the fare is more expensive.
      • Blacklisted: if any Travelfusion is blacklisted, it won't show up on the flight search result screen.
  • Carrier Name
    • Start typing the airline name to see the results and choose the appropriate one. The carrier code will automatically be settled on the carrier code box.
  • Click "save".

Now check out how you can set up your fees and markup fees.

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