How to unlock a user?

Ana Paula Nova -

After several attempts to login with wrong credentials (namely password), the system locks the user for security reasons.

Since the password is Case Sensitive this means that you have to be attentive either writing Upper or Lower Case. 
If your Password is Paula13 you cannot login using PAULA13 or paula13. You have to access with the exact case used: Paula13


Unlocking a user

Consolidator/host agency super users may unlock their users and also their sub-agencies users.

Sub-agencies super users can unlock their own users.

To unlock a user, go to the users' area and edit the user you would like to unlock.


To unlock the user, unselect the checkbox "Inactive" and click on the "Save" button.

Changing user's Password

Since the user got locked probably because he doesn't remember his password, you can either

1. After unlocking the user, and saving as above mentioned, setup also a new password by selecting "Reset User Password" and filling in the "Password" and "Confirm Password" fields and hitting "Save" button. Don't forget to tell your user his new access credentials and ask him to change them after logging in again (for security reasons).


2. Or, after unlocking the user, go to the users list again and click on the key icon which sends an email to the user with a link so he can change his password.



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