To create an agency Admin, go to "My Account" in the main menu and click on "Users".
To create an agency "Admin" click on the "+" button, on the right above the user list.
After clicking on the "+" button you will land on the creating a user page.
Only an agency admin user can create other admin users for their agency.
- Entity
- Select your agency name from the Entity drop down.
- Roles
- The Admin role is the only available function for agencies, therefore it is selected by default.
- Responsible Person
- There is only one user that is the agency responsible person. This person is the main contact in case TTS Corporate team needs to contact the agency, for instance, if the agency has made a uAPI connection request, this is the user that is notified when the TTS Corporate support team completes their connection;
- By default, the person that created the agency is the agency responsible person but that can be changed at any time to another user. If you want to make the user you are creating, the agency responsible person, select this box.
- Main information
- Main information is where you enter the user's Name, Surname, Date of Birth, Email, Password, Status.
*If other fields are self-explanatory, there is one that requires additional information.
- Status
- If a user status is "Active", he will be able to enter the application and use it according to his roles permissions (if the user has login credentials). On the other hand, if the user status is "Inactive", he will not be able to enter the application.
- Contact information
- Here you can enter the user's Phone, Address, City, Postal Code and Country.
Learn more about agency user roles here.
Learn more about other users roles here.