Agency users

Nicole Silva -

As your travel agency will be managing TTS Corporate, the only role available for agency users is the "Admin" role.

However, please note that the user set as the agency's responsible person can receive some notifications that the other agency admin users can't and will also be the first contact with TTS Corporate.

As soon as you select your agency name as the Entity, Admin role will be displayed by default.



Agency admin users can:

  • create and manage companies and users for their agency and their companies (My Account area),
  • define the content and features available for the agency and each company (Customization area),
  • set up the content and features activated for the agency and each company (Settings area),
  • search and book trips for their company travellers (Search & Book),
  • Search, view and manage the trips booked (Trips area),
  • view the current account and add funds (My Account area) - some of the content and features available for Customization are paid so the agency needs to have enough funds to subscribe those add-ons,
  • access reporting and notifications (My Account area),
  • access the support area (Support Area).


For full details on liabilities of an Agency Admin, check here.

Learn more about how to create an agency admin user here.



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