How to Send Quotes in the Cryptic Terminal with TTS WebAgent

Sales TTS -


TTS WebAgent allows you to send quotes directly to your clients from within the app, both in NEO and the cryptic terminal. This article will guide you through the process of sending quotes in the cryptic terminal. 

Steps to Send Quotes in the Cryptic Terminal 

  1. Access the Cryptic Terminal: 

Open TTS WebAgent and navigate to the cryptic terminal. 

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  1. Perform Fare Shopping: 

Conduct your fare shopping as you normally would in the cryptic terminal. 

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  1. Select the Fare: 

Once you have the fare results, you will see a “+E” button next to the price. Click on this button. 

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  1. Click on the letter icon 

Click on the letter icon at the top of the screen. 

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  1. Choose or Create Email Templates: 

You can select a previously created email template.  

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  1. Compose the Email: 

Enter the email addresses of the recipients. 

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Write the subject of the email. 

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  1. Personalize the Email: 

Add any additional notes or comments for your clients in the provided space. 

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If desired, click on the destinations in the “Price Points” section for a detailed view of the selected flight options. 

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  1. Preview the Email: 

Before sending, you can preview the email in the next window to ensure all details are correct. 

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  1. Send the Quote: 

Click “Send” to dispatch the quote to your clients. 

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Additional Resources 

Setting Up Default Email Templates: Click here to learn how to set up a default email template. 

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