- Sticky PNR Search
- In what PCC/SID are my bookings created?
- What is the Sign-on (SON) in which TTS Consolidator reservations are made?
- Why do I have to requote an existing fare?
- Why is the price construction hidden by default?
- Why do I have several filed fares and rules acceptance boxes in the pricing section?
- On a booking, why are there two values for Ticket Fee?
- What is the IATA fee?
- Why can't I change the IATA Fee
- Why isn’t the IATA Fee always the same?
- How do I add SSRs in TTS Consolidator?
- Can I use Frequent Flyer cards on TTS Consolidator?
- Can I add remarks to PNRs created/imported to TTS Consolidator?
- Why isn’t Seat Reservation always available?
- Can I act on Vendor Remarks in TTS Consolidator?
- Can I send itineraries to passengers in TTS Consolidator?
- Can I cancel flights in TTS Consolidator?